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We know you’re raising ordinary world changers! Our heart is to partner with you to equip your children to make a difference in their world.

What does a Sunday at Southside Kids look like?

Everything we do shouts this message: ‘you are loved.’ Through praise music, fun activities, connection with leaders and friends, and Biblical teaching at their level, your kids are equipped to know and walk in a relationship with Jesus.

Kids meet in their small groups and work together to practically apply God’s truth in their lives. Ordinary world changers know how to make a difference in their schools, families and neighbourhoods.

Group of children sitting on grass eating popsicles on a sunny day.
Text reading 'Meet the Team!' in blue on a white background. Next Gen Team Southside Church
Blue arrrow animated
A woman in casual attire assists a child and adult at an information or help desk inside a building with a wooden wall and signs in the background. Southside Church Kids Program, Chilliwack

Planning your first visit?

We’re so excited to meet you! When you arrive, our team will happily check you in at the first-time check-in station.

There, you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. Check-in opens 15 minutes before the start of the service (we’d recommend leaving yourself a bit of extra time on your first visit.) If you like, skip the line and fill out our New Here form before you come!

You and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.

Would your child benefit from a quieter experience? Our equal access team would be happy to chat with you about your next steps!

White background with no visible objects or text.
A woman with long hair is smiling and standing outside on a sunny day, accompanied by two children. They are at an outdoor market or event, with people and tents visible in the background. The woman is wearing a dress, and the children are dressed casually.

Parent Resources

Raising a world changer is no small task. Our desire as a Kids team is to partner with you as you make faith a priority in your home. We’re here to provide encouragement, practical tools and resources.

Consider Southside Kids as a family partner -you are not in this alone! Below are some resources that will help you build off of what your kids are learning every Sunday!