Southside Music

Thank you in advance for submitting your audition for the Southside Music Team!

  • We know the amount of work that goes into preparing these videos and the courage it takes to submit something so vulnerable. So, congratulations already on a job well done!

  • Once your questionnaire and videos have been submitted, a group of leaders will review your application, and you will receive an email letting you know whether or not you will be moving forward in our audition process.

  • Please know that we truly wish that we could have everyone on our team! The truth of the matter is that we are looking not only for certain levels of skill but also for specific needs on our team right now.

  • If the answer to this application is ‘no’ at this point, we hope that you will still get connected here at Southside and we would truly love to help you find your next steps within our church or on your music/worship journey.

Before you submit your application:

This folder will provide you with links to different practice tracks and chords for your reference and use, as you prepare and record your videos that you will be asked to upload and share the link with us, at the end of your application.

We hope they’re helpful, but if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to