Day 3
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.”
—JEREMIAH 29:12-14
Tozer’s words that we read together and prayed together on Day 1 have alternatively inspired and haunted me throughout most of my adult life. In the high seasons, on the mountaintop when God seemed close, when the way seemed clear, when I was filled with passion to follow Him, His words inspired me to greater heights. And then, in the lowlands, when I floundered, when God seemed distant and the way seemed shrouded and uncertain, they haunted me for my lack of desire.
Maybe you can relate to being “ashamed by your lack of desire” or to the wish that you would “want to want” God more than you do. Maybe, like me, you’ve been following Jesus for many years and you have experienced high spiritual seasons of rising up out of the mist and also seasons where you faltered and the mist closed in around you and you lost your way. Or maybe you are taking your very first steps as a brand new follower of Jesus. Wherever you find yourself today, God will meet you there. No matter if your road is straight and the way is clear before you, or if the fog is thick, your steps are heavy, and you can’t see the road in front of you, God promises to meet you exactly in that place.
No matter where you find yourself today, you are in exactly the right place to move forward.
No one is disqualified from His promise when God says in Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing... I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” When you seek God, you find Him—it’s as simple as that.
He is going to meet you where you are, ask you to reach out your hand to His, and make a way forward for you. He is the Way Maker.