What is Communion?

Have you ever wondered why some church services include Christians eating bread and drinking a sip of wine or grape juice?

At Southside, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us, by doing this symbolic act called “communion.”

Depending on the church, you may also hear communion referred to as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist.

At Southside, the act of taking communion entails eating a small cracker - a symbol of Jesus’ body, which was broken for us on the cross, and drinking grape juice - a symbol of His blood, which was spilled for us.

Where did communion originate?

Jesus himself started communion! You can read about it in the Bible here.

What does communion have to do with my faith?

Communion doesn’t make you a Christian and doing it doesn’t get you into Heaven… But Jesus still asked us to do it, so why?

Communion is an intentional pause to remember as a community: to remember that Jesus defeated death for us, securing our eternity. It is ALSO to remember that Jesus is everything we need here on Earth - “The Bread of Life.”

Communion is for believers (Christians) who have asked Jesus to come into their hearts and lives. If you haven’t made that decision yet, know that not taking communion yet is totally fine/normal (and no one is going to give you a funny look for skipping it!)

How do I prepare to take communion?

  1. Examine your heart for areas of sin - is there anything in your heart you need to hand over to God?

  2. Consider your relationships - do you need to apologize or “make it right” with anyone?

  3. Remember how Jesus changed your story. Reflect on how He saved you and remember what He did for you, as we celebrate with communion together!


The All is Bright Initiative


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